I am Tamsin, a regenerative designer.
I help creative individuals and teams build capacity in regenerative design.
Regenerative design is a practice, mindset and method that orientates around planetary health and wellbeing.
At the heart of regeneration is to align with and evoke more life into a culture and sense of place that may have been barren, extractive and anthropomorphic before.
There is potential to achieve a more resilient, rebalanced, and regenerative future together.
This Design Practice
Our practice involves inner, outer and ecosystemic development, a three scaled-system of the personal, collective and the whole, held together in a learning journey. This Life-centred design path can help individuals and organisations adapt and evolve.
The Regenerative Journey
The route of the Regenerative journey is emergent yet set within some structure. This delicate balance between emergence and structure allows for fresh insight and new growth to arise.
The Role of Designer
The role of the designer offers a gift within the regenerative movement. We are facilitators of thinking, negotiators of value, visualisers of the intangible, navigators of complexity, mediators of stakeholders and coordinators of the imagination.
In a safe and contained learning environment, our unique flavour of design in regeneration involves:
Unlearning ways of thinking that no longer serve us
Reframing wicked problems, to ask better questions
Embodying nature's cycles, particularly of Celtic origin
Prototyping regenerative ways of thinking and being
Visualising regenerative systems, rituals and ideas
Encouraging maximum diversity
Seeing regenerative design as learning enquiry
Treating solutions lightly
Possible Learning Journey Outcomes
Feeling more connected to nature
Expanded horizons
Holding more hope for the future
Increased confidence in regenerative practice
Working with design as intentionality
New connections and collaborators
Unknown Unknowns